7.30pm Wednesday 2nd December 2020
We normally hold the Association’s AGM at the end of April, but this year we have had to postpone the AGM because of the current restrictions. As it seems unlikely that we will be able to hold a public meeting this year, we have taken the decision to hold a virtual meeting using the Zoom platform.
The main issue for discussion will be the amalgamation with the Ham Amenities Group. We are really excited about how joining forces can help both groups build on the work already done.
If you are unable to participate in the virtual (internet) meeting then please let us know of any comments and questions on the documents below that you may have as soon as possible so that I may voice your views at the AGM.
Please send any comments and questions not later than 23 November 2020 to:
either or HPA AGM, 1 Henlow Place, TW10 7DS,
and please remember to return your completed ballot paper before 1 December 2020. This can be by email to .
Zoom Instructions
HPA AGM 2019 Minutes
HPA Accounts 2019 Audited
AGM Agenda 2020
AGM Email Ballot 2020
HPAAG Constitution
HPA Constitution
HPA AGM 2020 Minutes
AGM 2020 Presentation