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Thanks to all who attended our 2018 AGM, and particularly to our guest speaker Richard Woolf.

Here is our AGM 2018The meeting minutes.


7.30pm Wednesday 26th April, 2017
It has been a very busy year as we have been working hard to make sure the changes are for better and that they support the intrinsic specialness of the area. The AGM is a great opportunity for you to be updated on what has been going on and to look forward to the year to come. This next year will probably be busier still with major applications expected for Ham Close, the Neighbourhood Plan, St Michael’s Convent as well big local occasions with Ham & Petersham in Bloom, our summer party, and Ham Open Gardens.

We would love to see you on Wednesday 26th April to hear your views about our area.

1. Welcome, introduction of the committee and approve 2016 minutes

2. Statement of accounts for 2016

3. Election of committee John Asbridge, Geoff Bond, David Jowers

4. Thank you and introduction of the new President

5. Review of 2016/17 highlights and latest local news, including:

· Ham Avenues

· Tow Path Clear Ups and Himalayan Balsam bashing

· Ham & Petersham Magazine

· Latchmere House (Richmond Chase)

· Petersham Lock up

· Star & Garter

· Petersham Common

· Clean for the Queen and Great British Spring Clean

· Ham Pond

· Ham Parade

· Latchmere Brook and Ham Common Woods

· Summer Party

6. Guest Speaker: “The Archaeology of Ham Common Woods” by Dr John Hood

7. Ham & Petersham Association President’s address

8. Looking Forward:

Archaeological dig, Big Bulb Extravaganza, Matchless Vale, Cassel Hospital, Russell School, St Michael’s Convent, Neighbourhood Plan, Ham Close, Duchess of Teck Memorial, Summer party 2017, Ham & Petersham in Bloom and Ham Open Gardens

9. Any other business

10. Drinks