The Ham Fair Dog Show is a popular event and an opportunity for dogs of all ages and breeds to compete in a friendly, open event.
Entries are made on the day:
- £3 per entry
- Pedigree classes registration starts at 11:00 a.m.
- Non-pedigree classes registration in the ring
- Judging from 11:45 a.m.
Competition categories are:
Pedigree classes:
- A/v Puppy 6 – 12 months
- A/v Sporting
- A/v Veteran 7 years and over
- A/v Non-sporting
- A/v Toy
- The class winners challenge for Best in Show
- Junior handling ages 6 – 12 years
Non-Pedigree classes:
- Puppy
- Rescue parade
- Veteran 7 years and over
- Prettiest bitch
- Handsomest dog
- Dog the judges would most like to take home